The Robert C. Williams Paper Museum is looking for student interns from within the Ivan Allen College to work at the museum for the fall semester. Please see below for the open positions:

Education Program Intern
Supervised by: Fran Rottenberg, Education Curator

This is an opportunity to learn about the Education Program in a museum and to explore the history of papermaking. We will train students to guide group tours and to make paper.

Duties may include:
  • Assisting and leading group tours for adults and children and Participating in hands-on papermaking activities and workshops 
  • Designing brochures and flyers and assisting in daily museum activities 
Skills required: 
  • Enjoying working with the public and with children 
Number of interns needed: 2-3

Collections Intern
Supervised by: Teri Williams, Interim Director & Curator

Duties may include:
  • Accessioning, organizing, and caring for 2D & 3D artifacts in the permanent collection
  • Artifact research and historical reading
  • Scanning and photographing artifacts from multiple collections

Skills required:
  • A strong sense of organization
  • Self-motivation and the capability to work independently

Number of interns needed: 2

All student interns will be expected to use positive attitudes and enthusiasm to play an important role in a small but energetic team! There is also the possibility of working independently on a project according to the intern’s specific interests in the Museum. There are possibilities for paid positions upon completion of one unpaid semester. Raises are given upon incremental reviews.

Compensation: Class credit (previous students have received HTS and LCC credit, as well as basic humanities credit). Qualified Work Study students may receive monetary compensation.
Hours: 10-20 hours a week, but this is flexible
For more info, or to apply: E-mail
Start Date: Fall Semester, & as early as the week before classes begin.

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