Crossroads Campaigns Fall Internship in D.C.

Posted by Admin On 7/15/2011
Crossroads Campaigns is a progressive political consulting firm helping organizations and campaigns with development, field programs, online tools, and communications services. We strive to provide top-notch service and a high return on investment for our clients. We empower our team in an environment with potential for professional and personal growth.

We are seeking a paid Full Time Intern to assist staff members with research, client support, and administrative tasks. Interns will work closely with both senior and junior staff members but will be expected to be able to carry out independent projects.

  • Interest and understanding of politics, particularly in the field of US politics and immigration reform.
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite.
  • Working knowledge and experience using basic research databases
  • Ability to work in an organized manner and communicate professionally with staff
  • Current college student or recently graduated
Job Description:
  • Completing political research tasks on the national, state, and local level
  • Working with social media sites and basic websites
  • Support staff with daily administrative tasks
  • Help staff with editing and proofreading of material
  • Provide support with client-work in the corporate, electoral, and non-profit fields

We are looking for a fall intern with a start date around late August/early September. It is a paid internship for a period of 3 months.

If interested, please send a brief cover letter and resume to

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