Roosevelt Institute Campus Network

Posted by Admin On 7/19/2011
The Roosevelt Institute Campus Network, the nation’s largest student-run public policy think-tank will be re-launching the Georgia Tech chapter this fall. Endowed by the Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation, the campus network has grown to include 8,000+ students in more than 80 chapters in the United States and Great Britain.

This past year, the Campus network launched several projects, including Think 2040, The Blueprint for Millennial America, and was invited by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation to participate in Fiscal Summit 2011, co hosted by President Clinton. These projects were covered by several prominent press groups including: The Atlantic, WSJ, CBS Nightly News, Fox Business News, and media aggregation sites like The Huffington Post.

Many more projects are planned for the upcoming year and I invite all academically capable and interested students to participate. Help re-launch the Georgia Tech chapter and contribute to the growing Millennial voice in our national dialogue. Open to all disciplines, especially welcomed, are individuals with interdisciplinary backgrounds.

If you are interested in joining this organization or trying your hand at a leadership position, please contact: Chris Esposo, this summer. Planning for the fall kick off will begin in July and leadership positions will be chosen. Look forward to hearing from all prospective Roosevelters!

For More Information about the Roosevelt Institute Please See:

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