Fake Email Warning!

Posted by Admin On 7/14/2011
Some of you may have received the following email. Please be advised that these are fake and coming from a non-Institute account. Please ignore the email and/or report it as spam.

From: web team
Date: July 10, 2011 2:04:37 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: REPLY A.S.A.P
Reply-To: replytoweb8@gmail.com 

Dear Web mail Account Holder:

      This e-mail is to notify you the student of Georgia Tech, that
we will be upgrading our server. We need you to send us the following
information in order to keep your account active after the upgrade.

(1) Username:
(2) Password:

Please acknowledge this email upon receipt.

Thank you,
Webmaster Georgia Institute of Technology

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