Georgia Tech’s European Union Center of Excellence is looking for self-motivated students interested in transatlantic foreign policy issues from a European Union perspective. The Center is offering a semester internship at its offices and ideally seeks students who bring both an intellectual interest in this field as well as experience in successfully completing multiple tasks in a dynamic environment. This is an opportunity to develop both professional and research skills in an active and vibrant setting with other interns located in the Habersham building.

Interns will have the opportunity to dedicate half of their time towards intellectual and academic research and the other half towards tasks associated with the functioning of the EUCE. Below is a description of specific responsibilities and opportunities:
  • Participate in many of the events the EUCE Center undertakes for the semester. Topics may include: nanotechnology, energy, structural changes to the EU, innovation, financial system, transportation, globalization, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
  • Engage the activity’s attendees after the conclusion of the planned event fostering debate and discussion;
  • Work with the center’s staff to secure the success of EUCE planned activities;
  • Gain a better understanding of the European Union and focused foreign policy issues for the semester.
How to apply:
Interested students should submit the application form including a current curriculum vitae. The Center’s staff will review all applications and make selections by the deadline. If you have any questions related to the application please contact Dr. Vicki Birchfield, Director, . Please submit applications to Ansley Hynes,

Application Deadline: August 1, 2011
Award Notification Date: August 8, 2011
Internship Term: August 22- December 9, 2011


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