MSSA Undergraduate Student Paper Competition

Posted by Admin On 6/01/2011
(Deadline: June 30, 2011)

The Mid-South Sociological Association invites the submission of student papers for its annual undergraduate student paper competition. The competition is open to students in the Mid-South Region and to other undergraduate students who are members of the Mid-South Sociological Association. A prize of $50 will be awarded for the best paper. The authors of the papers selected will be presented with certificates of merit after presentations of papers at the 2011 MSSA Annual Meeting.

Rules for the 2011 Competition
Each paper must be accompanied by a cover letter requesting participation in the undergraduate competition session. The letter must include the title of the paper, author(s) of the paper, the school affiliation, the email address and the telephone number of the author(s). (This can be in the body of the email)

The maximum length of an eligible paper shall be 20 double-spaced pages of text, not counting abstract, references, tables, and figures.

Papers may be co-authored with a maximum of three student authors, but not by graduate students or faculty.
Papers must not have been submitted for publication prior to submission for this competition.

Each of the submissions will be evaluated by a committee of scholars based on (1) originality, (2) contribution or potential contribution to the discipline, (3) clarity of arguments, and (4) mechanics (i.e. neatness, use of an appropriate format, grammar, spelling, etc.). To receive full recognition for participation, submissions must meet deadlines and participants must present their papers at the 2011 MSSA meetings in Little Rock, AR (October 26-29, 2011).

Papers (in word, .doc, .docx, or .rft format) should be submitted by email to Dr. Ruth Chananie-Hill at by June 30, 2011. If you have any questions regarding the competition, please feel free to contact Dr. Chananie-Hill at the email address above or by phone at (319-273-7242).

Students are strongly encouraged to seek faculty advice prior to submission of papers.

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