Teaching Courses in CETL

Posted by Admin On 8/10/2010
There are spaces in the "pre-teaching" courses (CETL 4001 & 4002) this fall.   There are 2 open sections of 4001, and this course is open to anyone who has completed at least 30 hours of credit at Tech.  4001 is a prerequisite for 4002.  These courses count as Free Electives and are a good way to explore teaching and learning, educational psychology, classroom management, curriculum design, and so on.  Students who take these classes and later enroll in the Kennesaw State MAT programs are eligible to exempt one graduate course at KSU.

If you'd like to see the schedule, read the course description, and check out the syllabi, go to www.cetl.gatech.edu/courses/ugradcourses.htm.

The courses do require a PERMIT--  the link to request the permit is at the bottom of the web page: www.cetl.gatech.edu/courses/ugradcourses.htm

Questions?  Contact pre-teaching advisor Beth Spencer at beth.spencer@provost.gatech.edu.

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