Community Service Volunteer Work & Internships

Posted by Admin On 8/11/2010
Did you know that there is an office on campus devoted to helping you find community service opportunities around Atlanta?  Did you know that some of these organizations will offer internships that you can do for academic credit?  It's all true!  

Go to to learn more.  Click on the "Service Database" link to see information on opportunities with organizations such as the Central Night Center, Computers for Youth, Hands on Atlanta, StandUp for Kids, and the Carter Center.  

Find an opportunity that might make a good internship?  Make an appointment with Dr. D to talk about your options.  Need help searching for just the right opportunity?  Contact Ms. Jillian Pyatte, the Community Service Coordinator for Tech!

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School of History, Technology, and Society
Georgia Institute of Technology
Old Civil Engineering Building
221 Bobby Dodd Way
Atlanta, GA 30332-0225