Intership with Stipend in India

Posted by Admin On 4/22/2010
Fellows for India's Affordable Private Schools program (FIAPS) is looking for interns!   Starting August 15, 2010 for nine months, ten new fellowships will be available for recent college graduates to work with a select group of Indian Affordable Private Schools in Hyderabad, India.

The Fellows for India’s Affordable Private Schools, which will be in a pilot phase for 15 months, will recruit its first cohort of Fellows primarily from Atlanta area universities and send them to India in early August. The Fellows will live and work in Hyderabad, assigned to one of the affordable private schools to assist the school proprietors in strengthening the quality of the education they provide. 

The Fellows will not be involved in teaching, but will support the business, management, marketing, communications and, in some cases, expansion of an APS.

Each Fellow will receive a small stipend to cover room, board and basic living expenses, as well as a $1,200 travel stipend.  To read more about the program, click here for a downloadable document.  To access the application, go to

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