Students, faculty, and staff at Tech will celebrate Earth Hour on April 24 from 7 – 9 p.m. “Earth Hour is an international event that takes place every year in which people turn off their lights for one hour to raise awareness about climate change and responsible energy use,” said Student Government Association Sustainability Task Force Chairman, Joe Charbonnet. "The international community celebrated the event on March 27 this year (while GT was on Spring Break).  We have moved the event to Georgia Tech’s Think Green Week to allow students to participate.”

Student participation in the event is crucial, and a show of unity following the largest Earth Hour on record. “This year's Earth Hour was the largest mass action in human history, with over 4000 cities participating,” said Charbonnet.  Georgia Tech has participated previous international Earth Hour celebrations.

Beginning at 7 p.m., live music, free food, and other earth hour give-aways will be at the campanile, commemorating occasion. From 8 – 9 p.m., all lights in the area will be turned off as a symbol of Georgia Tech’s commitment to reducing energy use. Members of the Georgia Tech community that are unable to join the festivities at the campanile can participate in their dorm rooms and offices by turning off lights and other electronic devices from 8 – 9 p.m.

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