Freshman Chemistry Registration Fall 2011

Posted by Admin On 7/07/2011
In the Fall 2010 there were changes in the traditional first year chemistry courses. The following summarizes changes in the courses, registration strategies and course capacity.

Refocused: CHEM 1310 General Chemistry, integrated lab (4 credits). The prior CHEM 1310 course was refocused as a one-semester class suited to engineers and other majors who typically take only one semester of chemistry.

New Courses: CHEM 1211K Chemical Principles I and CHEM 1212K Chemical Principles II (total 4 credits each) with integrated labs. This two-semester sequence is for students whose major requires many chemistry courses. The CHEM 1212K course is a prerequisite for CHEM 2311 Organic I.

Click "Read More" for all the details!

Impact on Fall 2011 incoming students and continuing students:

1. CHEM 1310 major restrictions during FASET will be for the following majors: AE, APHY, CE, CMPE, EE, ENVE, IE, ME, NRE, PHYS & UEC (optional) generally requiring one semester of chemistry.

• All FR level major restrictions for CHEM 1310 will be removed in Phase II after 4:00 PM Friday August 19, 2011.
• All FR level restrictions for CHEM 1310 will be removed in Phase II after 12:00 noon Saturday, August 20.

2. CHEM 1211K and CHEM 1212K major restrictions during FASET will be for the following majors: BCHM, BIO, BMED, CHBE, CHEM, EAS, MSE, PSY, UEC (optional), UCS and all declared pre-health in other majors requiring many semesters of chemistry.

• All FR level major restrictions for CHEM 1211K will be removed in Phase II after 4:00 PM Friday August 19, 2011.
• All FR level restrictions for CHEM 1211K will be removed in Phase II after 12:00 noon Saturday, August 20.

3. Lab Science Elective: CHEM 1310, CHEM 1211K, and CHEM 1212K may be used as a lab science elective for such majors as ARCH, CM, CS, DMTH, ECON, EIA, GEML, HTS, IAML, IE, INTA, MATH, MGT, PUBP, STC, UACA, UACB, UACI, UIAC.

AP Scores and Placement Examination:

Students who earned a 4 on the AP exam in Chemistry will enter Georgia Tech with credit for CHEM 1211K. They may proceed directly to CHEM 1212K if further chemistry courses are needed. If CHEM 1310 is required for the degree, then it is the School's discretion to use CHEM 1211K as an approved substitution on the degree requirements.

Students who earn a 5 on the AP exam in Chemistry will enter Georgia Tech with credit for CHEM 1310. They may proceed directly to CHEM 1212K OR they may take a placement examination to be given on Monday, August 22nd at 6:30pm. Sufficient performance on this exam allows students to receive credit for CHEM 1212K on their transcripts and proceed directly to CHEM 2311 (if needed) if space permits. No overloads will be given if CHEM 2311 is already full.

All students eligible to take the exam will be informed via email by the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The multiple choice exam covers material pertinent to the contents of the text Chemical Principles, 5th edition, by Peter Atkins and Loretta Jones. The exam will be given ONLY on August 22nd at no other time in the 2011-2012 academic year. Students will be notified whether they are eligible to proceed to CHEM 2311 no later than noon on Wednesday, August 24th.

CHEM 1212K

Continuing students were permitted to register for a limited number of seats during Phase I registration. The course is now closed to all but first time freshman until Saturday, August 20 at noon.

If you have questions regarding the selection of a chemistry course for your major, please contact your academic advisor.

Submit permit requests via the Registrar’s permit request system. Note that it is our intent to open each lab section to its maximum capacity by the end of the last FASET session, and overloads will not be available.

Carrie Shepler:, 404-385-1342

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