VOICE Sexual Violent Ally Training

Posted by Admin On 6/28/2011
The Women's Resource Center will be holding VOICE Sexual Violence Ally training on July 19 from 8am-12pm in the WRC Conference Room.  

A light breakfast will be provided.  The Ally level training provides an introduction to the problem of sexual violence, a brief overview of advocacy and response at Georgia Tech, and a foundation of basic information needed to continue in the Advocacy Training and Volunteer Program. Through discussions and scenarios, we will explore concepts such as consent, power and control, bias, and the Georgia Tech Policy on Sexual Harassment and Misconduct. You will also learn about options for continuing education and involvement with the VOICE Initiative to address and end sexual violence in the GT community.

To RSVP for training please visit: http://womenscenter.gatech.edu/plugins/rsvp

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