Civil War Lecture Series @ Stone Mountain

Posted by Admin On 6/08/2011
Stone Mountain Park is pleased to present as part of its commemoration of the Civil War Sesquicentennial (150th anniversary of the War Between the States) several presentations and lectures. We invite all faculty, staff and students to attend this thought provoking and educational lecture series. We hope to see you this coming Thursday at Dr. Timothy Crimmins’ lecture on the Changing Landscape of Confederate Memorialization.

Date: June 6, 2011

Presenters: Timothy Crimmins, Georgia State University

Presentation: Shades of Gray: Stone Mountain and the Changing Landscape of Atlanta’s Memorials

Program Description: 7:00 – 9:00 PM – Stone Mountain Park’s Memorial Hall Auditorium.

The landscape of Confederate memorialization in Atlanta might not be apparent to the casual observer, but it stretches along Memorial Drive from the State Capitol, past Oakland Cemetery to Stone Mountain. Using photographs and other historic documents, Tim Crimmins will explore this landscape from the simple head stones in Oakland Cemetery to the three acre carving on Stone Mountain.

Date: July 14, 2011

Presenters: Barry Brown & Rich Elwell, GA Civil War Commission

Presentation: Crossroads of Conflict: Touring Civil War sites in Georgia

Program Description: An overview of Civil War sites in Georgia and what can still be seen today , 150 years after the conflict. Georgia was a primary agricultural, industrial and transportation hub of the Southern Confederacy and important in the events and outcome of the Civil War.

Date: August 11, 2011

Presenter: Garrett Silliman, Archeologist  

Presentation: Battlefield Archeology

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School of History, Technology, and Society
Georgia Institute of Technology
Old Civil Engineering Building
221 Bobby Dodd Way
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