Bikeshare Coming to Campus

Posted by Admin On 6/21/2011
This fall, a new spin will be added to an old mode of transportation on campus. Parking and Transportation has partnered with viaCycle, a startup in the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) spearheaded by Georgia Tech graduates, to bring bike sharing to campus. The company creates technology that enables more efficient bike sharing systems, and is looking for summer beta testers. 

The idea is that all students, faculty and staff with a valid BuzzCard will be able to use bicycles that will be locked at bike racks around campus. The bikes are secured electronically and can be locked and unlocked through a simple phone call, text message or smartphone app, and will have GPS tracking so viaCycle can locate the bikes at all times. Users would pre-register with viaCycle to verify their Georgia Tech status and receive an account number used to check bikes in and out. 
The viaCycle summer trial period precedes a fall launch that will bring 35 bikes to campus. The Biria “Easy Boarding” bikes will be stationed at west campus housing, the Instructional Center, the library and Howey physics, but can be locked and unlocked at any bike rack while checked out and in use around the city.

Until the fall launch, those interested in participating in beta testing can sign up online at

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