"Meet Your Dean" Event

Posted by Admin On 8/27/2010
HTS Students,

When asked to think of a Dean, many people- real and fictitious- may come to mind:

- Dean Vernon Wormer of Faber College from Animal House
- Dean Gordon "Cheese" Pritchard, played by Jeremy Piven in Old School
- Governor Howard Dean, whose 2004 candidacy for US President was derailed with the "I have a Scream" speech
- Jimmy Dean, entertainer and sausage magnate
- Representative John Dingell, Dean of the US House of Representatives

As a undergraduate student in the Ivan Allen College, the most important dean in your life is Dean Royster, who just arrived at Georgia Tech and will lead our college.  On Thursday, September 9th from 4:30 - 6:00 PM there will be a "Meet the Dean" event for all IAC students to introduce Dean Royster to the student body.  You will be able to learn about the plans she has for her deanship (no, she can't put you on double-secret probation, but yes, she is important to your academic career here).  There will be food (think frozen yogurt bar and more), entertainment(entertaining not only because there will be music, but music actually played by IAC faculty) and the opportunity to interact with other schools in the college.  Details will follow (so keep a look out for "Meet Your Dean" emails), but we look forward to your attendance!

Thank you,
Members of the Deans Event Planning Committee

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