Volunteer @ Atlanta Girls' School

Posted by Admin On 8/06/2010
If you would like to tutor students (grades 6-12) this Fall semester, consider volunteering at the Atlanta Girls' School (AGS).  There are opportunities to tutor students in math, sciences, and with their writing, at both the middle and high school level.  Although all the students are girls, men are very welcome to volunteer.  The Atlanta Girls' School is just minutes from Tech, but you do need a car to get there.

We had our first group of Tech students volunteer at AGS last year.  In addition to tutoring, some worked with extra-curricular activities, some got coaching experience, and some volunteered with specific classes and teachers-- there are many ways you can get involved and gain experience.  If you would like to volunteer, or if you want  to learn more about volunteering at AGS, please contact Beth Spencer, pre-teaching advisor, via email or at 404.385.3665.  

To learn more about AGS, go to www.atlantagirlsschool.org.  Note that you can also start volunteering in January.

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