Tutoring and Academic Support

Posted by Admin On 8/17/2010
1-to-1 Tutoring will begin August 25th. Hours this year will be 10 am-8pm Monday-Thursday, and 10am-4pm on Friday. All 1-to-1 Tutoring will take place in 340 ISYE. There will be no library resource center tutoring this academic year.

1-to-1 Tutoring open house (including snacks and refreshments!) will be Wed. September 1 from 11am-1pm. First year students who visit our program and meet our tutors can sign up for MINUS (Mentoring Initiative for New Undergraduate Students) which will give them unlimited access to our tutoring services for September as well as a tutor/mentor they can connect with as they become familiar with Tech.

PLUS (Peer Led Undergraduate Study) will be available in most sections of Calc. I and II this fall. Instructor requests for PLUS have increased tremendously. We will accommodate as many sections as we can; sections are filled on a first come first serve basis. Last spring approximately 60% of the students enrolled in Calc I and II attended PLUS sessions.

Academic Coaching: Beginning this fall semester any student who wants academic coaching will need to make their first appointment before October 13.

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Georgia Institute of Technology
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