"Destination Public Health: Locally, Nationally, Globally" will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010.

This event will explore the disciplines within public health, as well as introduce college students and health career advisors to renowned public health professionals and representatives from a variety of public health agencies in the Atlanta area. Our website is the resource for information and registration on this event:  http://www.sph.emory.edu/cms/prospective_students/dph.html.

Please forward this information to your students interested in health careers or graduate study in public health, as well as to your colleagues that advise pre-health college students.  Please note that preregistration for this event is required, and the deadline is September 17, 2010. Please encourage early registration, as this event may fill up before that date.

We hope you will join us for Destination Public Health: bringing people together to promote public health as an exciting career choice for the 21st century!

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School of History, Technology, and Society
Georgia Institute of Technology
Old Civil Engineering Building
221 Bobby Dodd Way
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