Future Educators Association Meets on Campus

Posted by Admin On 8/19/2010
FEA/Pre-Teaching Club will have its first meeting of the semester on August 31 @ 6:30 (Success Center room 292).  Everyone is welcome!   Club president Robin Prebor's message and contact information are below.  This should be a great year~

Hey everyone,

Welcome back to school! This year we are going to have meetings every other Tuesday night at 6:30. We are officially chartered at Georgia Tech and with FEA! So we have a ton of stuff to do to meet the national club standards and get everything set up. We have lots of opportunities for events, scholarships, and conferences to attend, teach or host. We will discuss all of this in the meeting.

Please come to our first meeting on August 31st at 6:30. It is in room 292 of the Student Success Center (attached to the football stadium). If you cannot come to the meeting, let us know and we will find another way for you to participate. Also, tell your friends about it so we can make sure everyone knows about the new club!

Hope to see everyone there!  
-Robin Prebor

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