The Center for Advanced Communications Policy announces its inception as the newly installed BCS Southeast Regional Group.

CACP will celebrate their award as the BCS, Chartered Institute for IT, BCS USA Section, Southeast Regional Group by hosting Ian Ryder and Clinton Jones.  Georgia Tech’s Dr. Ron Hutchins will also deliver remarks.

BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, promotes wider social and economic progress through the advancement of information technology science and practice. As the professional membership and accreditation body for IT, BCS serves over 70,000 members globally with over 50 specialty groups that include: Open Source, Green IT, E-Women, Security and Artificial Intelligence.

Speakers include:
Ian Ryder, Deputy CEO, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
Clinton Jones, Young Professional Group Representative, BCS USA
Dr. Ron Hutchins, Associate Vice Provost for Research & Technology GT
For more information on the events being held on August 18th and 19th, click "Read More."
Wednesday, August 18th, 10:00am until 4:00pm CACP and BCS staffers will be at the Kessler Campanile adjacent to the Student Center.  Whether it’s BCS’ on-line library, electronic newsletters, access to databases or social networking outlets, it is all yours… It’s the network within the network.  Refreshments will be served.

Thursday, August 19th , 11:30am – 12:30pm Centergy Bldg., Rm. 5126:  Ian Ryder will lead a stimulating interchange with the audience on “Your Brand – Hostage to IT!” -- how both social media and customer management systems conspire to impact the way organizations succeed or fail; the way students view the IT profession and the way we as consumers view both.  Dr. Ron Hutchins will talk about GT-RNOC efforts on open source apps, how does it fit into expanding branding.  Refreshments will be served.

Thursday, August 19th,  3:30pm – 4:30pm Crescent Rm, Student Center:  Clinton Jones, Young Professionals Group (YPG) BCS USA Section representative will meet with students and young professionals on the “Student/Professional Continuum” – blurring the distinction and how to make the transition.  Pizza and beverages will be served.

Registration is encouraged for the talks on August 19, 2010 as refreshments will be available.  Please send information by August 17, 2010 to or call her at (404) 385-4612.

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Georgia Institute of Technology
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