Gun Control Goes to the Supreme Court:The Shotgun Marriage of the Second and Fourteenth Amendments

A Lecture by
Dr. Saul Cornell
Paul and Diane Guenther Chair in American History, Fordham University
Wednesday, April 14, 4:30 p.m.
Clary Theater, Bill Moore Student Success Center

What does the Second Amendment mean, and what, if any, are its limits?

Can any government—federal, state, or municipal—regulate the individual ownership
and use of guns? 

Professor Saul Cornell was lead scholar of an amicus brief submitted to US Supreme Court in McDonald v. City of Chicago, the gun control case heard in oral argument before the Court in early March 2010.  Come hear what this Second Amendment expert has to say about the issues and about his experience in the Supreme Court.  No matter what your own position on gun ownership and/or control, this is a talk you’ll certainly want to hear!

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