Editorial Positions for The Tower- Apply Now!

Posted by Admin On 4/15/2010
Apply for editorial positions for The Tower, the undergraduate research journal at Georgia Tech!

The Tower is currently looking for talented and motivated people to apply for the following positions on the Editorial Board:


·         Associate Editor for Submissions and Review
·         Associate Editor for Production
·         Business Manager
·         Webmaster

 We are also always looking for people to fill general staff positions in the following areas: business, production, and review.  Detailed position descriptions can be found on http://gttower.org/about/position-descriptions.php

We will be releasing the application the positions on April 15th on www.gttower.org. Completed applications must be submitted by April 26th, 2010 to editor@gttower.org. For more questions, please contact the Chuyong Yi, the editor-in-chief, at editor@gttower.org.

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