Capital Semester in Washington, DC

Posted by Admin On 4/23/2010
Capital Semesters in Washington, DC

August 28 - December 11, 2010
Georgetown University, Washington , DC
Fall 2010 Application Deadline: June 1, 2010

Sponsored by The Fund for American Studies, the Capital Semester program combines a substantive professional experience in public policy, international affairs, or economics for 25 hours a week with a challenging academic experience at Georgetown University. This fast-paced, fifteen-week residential program provides students from around the world with the opportunities to gain an edge in today’s competitive job market and graduate school admissions, and experience the excitement of Washington first-hand.


    * Aerospace Industries Association
    * American Legislative Exchange Council
    * Children's Rights Council
    * Congressional Offices
    * Eastman Kodak
    * First Book
    * Foreign Embassies
    * Institute for World Politics
    * New Leaders for New Schools
    * Philanthropy Roundtable
    * U.S. Department of Education
    * U.S. Department of Justice
    * U.S. Department of the Treasury
For detailed program information, click "Read More."

    * Internships - Competitive placements with government agencies, congressional offices, public policy groups, international affairs organizations and nonprofit organizations
    * Classes - 12 credit hours in political science and economics and from Georgetown University
    * Housing - Roommate matching and f urnished Capitol Hill apartments in the heart of D.C.
    * Guest Lectures - With Washington’s top policy and economics experts
    * Exclusive Briefings - At the World Bank, State Department, U.S. Capitol and Federal Reserve
    * Leadership & Professional Development - Leadership, mentoring and career building activities
    * Networking - Interaction with seasoned professionals and student leaders from around the world
    * Scholarships - Generous scholarships are awarded based on merit and financial need


Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the final application deadline of June 1. Students are encouraged to apply early in order to receive priority scholarship consideration and internship placement. Details about the program and an online application may be found at Questions may be directed to Mary Connell, Recruitment and Admissions Director, at or 202-986-0384.

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