Yearbook Photos

Posted by Admin On 3/15/2010
All Georgia Tech students are invited to sit for free yearbook portraits this week (March 15 - 19, 9 - 5 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Friday and 9 - 9 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday in the Kaiser Room on the 5th floor of the library).  Students that are graduating in the of Spring 2010 or Summer 2010 should make an appointment online at (code: 87169) and wear business formal clothing.  Appointments are not required for all other students. Business casual preferred for all other students.

Yearbooks strive to accurately represent they year they record.  The Blueprint has been a shining example of this tradition for more than 100 years at Georgia Tech.  This image represents a few of Georgia Tech's top memorable moments as capture by the Blueprint.  The Blueprint website is  For more about the Blueprint and these images, click "Read More."
Far left: 1996 (Blueprint volume 89)
Atlanta hosted the Summer Olympics in 1996 and Georgia Tech was at the heart of the event.  Many of the dorms on campus today served as housing for the athletes, with the Australian delegation taking over all of Area II housing, the Hungarian teams staying in today's North Avenue Apartments, and some smaller delegations living in Greek houses.

Upper middle: 1987 (Blueprint volume 80)
The majority of Blueprints published until 1988 contained a "Beauties" section.  The section always provided an insightful snapshot of fashion at the time.

Lower right: 1977 (Blueprint volume 70)
The 1977 Blueprint is a shining example of the 70's with its groovy graphics and focus on the personality of the Institute.  Perhaps most interesting are this edition's photos of campus (with relatively little change on East Campus) juxtaposed with Atlanta (with few landmarks remaining the same).

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