Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program
The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Using the Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics to Study Crime
June 7 – July 23, 2010

This 8-week National Science Foundation (NSF) summer program is designed for undergraduate students across the Southeast who want “hands-on” research experience and for those who are interested in pursuing post-graduate degrees in fields such as Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, Computer Science, Sociology, Public Policy, Biology, and Chemistry. 

The program is targeted to undergraduate students with at least 60 hours of college credit. A total of 12 students will be selected for the inaugural summer 2010 program.

Students will have the opportunity to work closely with faculty from UAB’s  Department of Justice Sciences and Department of Computer and Information Sciences.  The 8 REU faculty members are nationally recognized for their expertise in working with large data sets, data mining and manipulation, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and DNA analysis.   Click "Read More" for more details.

Students will conduct research in one of three core areas: 
1) Criminal Justice,
2) Forensic Science, or 
3) Computer Forensics. 

Students will work with a faculty mentor in their research track for 35-40 hours per week to complete one or more projects during the summer experience.  In some cases students will work directly with a local criminal justice agency on their project. 

Each Friday during the 8-week program, students will attend a luncheon that includes special presentations from local criminal justice professionals and time to interact with other REU students and faculty.  Students will make a presentation of their research experience during the final Friday luncheon. 

Students will receive tours of several major criminal justice agencies in Alabama. 

Students selected for the program will receive free lodging, food (up to $30 per day), and travel (up to $250) to UAB.  Students will also receive a stipend of $450 per week for 8 weeks ($3,200 total).    

Students will enjoy access to UAB libraries, labs, dining facilities, and the Campus Recreation Center.  Several tours of the Birmingham area and special events are also planned. 

Application information is coming soon.  Students from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

Please contact Dr. Kent Kerley at or 205-934-8548 if you have questions.  

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