Amy Dahan, Professor, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris
Monday, March 29th, at 4:30pm in 
Old Civil Engineering Building, Room 104

To read the abstract for her talk, The Interactions of Science and Policy in the Climate Change Regime, click "Read More."

 In the climate regime, the scientific and political domains have advanced together, in interaction with one another, even in the absence of a consensus within either of them. The unique IPCC (International Panel of Climate Change) has played an essential role in liaising between these domains. The IPCC appears to adhere to the traditional relationship (linear model) between science and politics, but in fact trade-offs between science and politics have been developed under its auspices. This lecture will revisit the principal steps of this co-construction process for some twenty years, and analyze shifts in its evolution. It will treat in particular the question of the key-numbers in climate change (2°C, 450ppm, ...) and the scenarios that are an important component of the IPCC’s approach to liaising between science and politics.

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School of History, Technology, and Society
Georgia Institute of Technology
Old Civil Engineering Building
221 Bobby Dodd Way
Atlanta, GA 30332-0225