Fundraising Event for Haitian Relief

Posted by Admin On 3/30/2010
Sigma Beta Rho and the Institute of Industrial Engineers would like to invite you to attend All in for Haiti, a fundraising Casino Night being held on April 5th, 2010 at the Student Center Ballroom. Admission will be 5 dollars (admission + t-shirt for 7 dollars!).  For more information on this event, click "Read More."

As you may know by now, the tragic earthquake in Haiti left a whole nation in ruins. In the past three hundred years, Haiti has faced a scourge of political conflict, natural disasters, and extreme levels of poverty leaving the country ill prepared for a catastrophe of this magnitude. Immediately after news of the earthquake spread, countries, groups, and individuals from every region of the world raised money and sent donations to Haiti. Unfortunately, it may take years for volunteers to remove all of the rubble and even longer to fix the country’s infrastructure. Food is scarce. The need for medical facilities is as important as ever. Thousands of children become orphans every day, and even more become homeless.

Join the entire Georgia Tech community as we raise awareness for humanitarian needs around the world. All In for Haiti is a philanthropy casino night. Come play professional casino games including craps, roulette, blackjack and poker. We will also be airing the College Basketball national championship on big screen!

Have a great time, eat snacks, and help make a positive impact. All proceeds from the casino night will go directly to the SOS Children's Village Haiti Relief Fund where it will be used to pay for food, medical supplies, clothing, and tents.

For more information on the SOS Children's Village, please visit

So join us on April 5th as we make a difference together and go ALL IN FOR HAITI!

For more information on All in for Haiti, please join our facebook group!/event.php?eid=10150135197940046&ref=ts

To learn about the Georgia Tech Haiti Relief Effort please visit

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